Tuesday, June 16, 2009

inauspicious beginings

Those that know me are apt to wonder whether accepting an invitation to visit a new blog of mine will bring them to the first, and last, entry of said blog.  To my credit, I was able to surpass these expectations with my last effort - a travel blog of Belgium - by writing a grand total of two entries before I was defeated by Belgian distractions.  Admittedly, neither of these entries was actually posted from Belgium, but I nevertheless feel optimistic about this latest effort.

Soon, less than a month from now, I will be embarking on a 3 - 4 month journey, roughly around the world.  Having been unable to lure anyone into coming along on my global sojourn, I will be traveling alone for most of the trip.  While this may cause my dear mother unnecessary anxiety, I feel the sense of naive self-confidence in my own travel abilities that can only come from years of wilderness survival training, and one night spent sleeping in a cave in Luxembourg.  Having thus prepared myself for my upcoming adventure, I am now investing a gratuitous amount of time in planing a travel itinerary in the hopes that it will facilitate a smooth circumnavigation.

Currently my plan is to leave Boston, Massachusetts for Reykjavik, Iceland at 9:00pm EST on Monday, July 13, and continue from Iceland to Denmark, Slovenia, Greece, Egypt, Qatar, Nepal, Thailand, Australia, Canada, Brazil, and finally Venezuela before heading home.  With the exception of Canada - which, lets be honest, is pretty lame coming from places like Nepal - I have never been to any of these countries, and have actually not yet set foot in four of the six continents I'll be traveling to.  So it promises to be an interesting and education voyage, and I promise to keep this travel blog up to date if for no other reason than to ameliorate the anxieties of my dear mother, and to prove wrong a world doubtful of my ability to blog.

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